Looking for a Louisville Dispensary?

Bourbon Country Cannabis is your go to Louisville Dispensary.
Have you been looking for a Louisville dispensary that offers THC and CBD products? You have many options in Louisville, Kentucky, where Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC products are legal thanks to the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill that was passed by Congress.
You can find what you are looking for in our dispensary, Bourbon Country Cannabis. Or have it delivered, if you order from the products on our website hectares.com.
What You Can Get in a Louisville Dispensary
There are a variety of products that are designed to fit a variety of needs.
Some users are looking for non-euphoric effects, others want a fun, recreational experience. Yet others are looking for a neat combination of the medicinal and recreational, which we have on offer.
Check out our three big product categories below.
Delta 8 THC Products
Delta 8 THC is known as the nice little sibling of Delta 9 THC. Our Delta 8 THC products appeal to a wide range of customers. Generally, this includes people looking for some fun, and those looking for a great sleep aid.
The effects are psychoactive, though do not mistake them for being mild. Depending on the dose, you may feel a strong high from Delta 8 THC.
Check out our Delta 8 THC products here.
Delta 9 THC Products
As mentioned above, this is stronger than Delta 8 THC.
Of the three product categories mentioned, Delta 9 THC products tend to most closely resemble traditional marijuana products.
Our Delta 9 products offer a fun recreational experience. They come in different degrees, like with our Delta 9 beverage shots.
Bourbon Country Cannabis is the dispensary near you that has what you want. Delta 9 THC is just the beginning of great cannabis products from our store that you can legally enjoy in Kentucky. We have a wide variety of cannabis products that offer experiences from fully recreational highs to medicinal help, with the entourage effect.
CBD Products
The first hemp-derived cannabis product to really enjoy popularity across the nation was CDB, and for good reason.
Buy Delta 8, Delta 9, and CBD Products Today
Hectare’s and Bourbon Country Cannabis are committed to being on the vanguard of cannabis innovations. When you buy from us, whether in-store or on our website you get the best in cannabis innovations.
And no matter your taste, you are sure to find a Delta 9 beverage that is right for you at Hectare’s and Bourbon Country Cannabis!
Also, if you are interested in learning more about the many products available in the world of cannabis, do not hesitate to reach out to us today, and we can help you find the cannabis product that is right for you!
From THC+CBD Bourbon Balls to Delta 9 gummies, we sell a wide variety of high-quality products on hectares.com and in-store at Bourbon Country Cannabis’ Nulu Location (819 E Market St Suite 101, Louisville, KY 40206).
Selected Posts from the Hectare’s Blog + Our FAQ
If if you are looking to find out more about cannabis, then be sure to check out our blog, which updates you on everything in the world of cannabis!
Lastly, if you have any questions for us, check out our FAQ where we answer your cannabis questions!