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Are Delta 8 Gummies or Delta 8 Tinctures Right for You?

We here at Hectare’s sell a wide variety of THC products to a wide variety of customers. These customers seek everything from wellness benefits to the euphoric psychoactive effects of THC. Others seek for a mixture of the two. 

Many of our products come in different forms. Naturally, we are asked whether there is any difference between those forms. 

For example, will drinking CBD and applying it topically as a roll-on offer a similar experience? 

In almost every case, the answer is yes. 

However, certain products differ in important ways. One such product is Delta 8

Tincture or Edibles? 

We are often asked about how our Delta 8 Tincture compares to Delta 8 gummies. 

There are indeed some significant differences between the two edible products. So, we thought we would dedicate a blog explaining how their side effects differ. 

But first, for the uninitiated, we will give a rundown of what exactly Delta 8 is. 

Breaking Down Delta 8

Perhaps the most important thing to know about Delta 8 is that it is psychoactive. 

With Delta 8, this means it will produce effects similar to a regular marijuana high. 

The name “Delta 8” refers to a certain type of THC. 

THC is the main ingredient for the psychoactive euphoria. 

Our Delta 8 products are sourced from hemp, rather than marijuana, plants. Both hemp and marijuana are strains of the cannabis plant, which contains THC. 

How Is Delta 8 Legal? 

The second most important thing to know is that Delta 8 is indeed legal nationwide. 

Unlike “normal” marijuana, Delta 8 is legal in Kentucky. 

Both the Kentucky-outlawed marijuana and Kentucky-legal Delta 8 can both be derived from cannabis plants. Indeed, these two are cousins. 

Delta 8’s legality is due to its low levels of THC, the main chemical compound responsible for those psychoactive effects.

Delta 8 can also be extracted from hemp-derived CBD, which is indeed legal. 

So, what you get with Delta 8 is psychoactive effects that are similar to using marijuana. 

The key difference is there are no legal troubles if you use Delta 8 in Kentucky. Living in a state where marijuana is still not legalized does not mean you cannot enjoy THC products. 

Note: All of Hectare’s Delta 8 products are compliant with the federally-mandated guidelines set forth in the 2018 Farm Bill

D8 Tinctures

If you are new to Delta 8, then we certainly recommend going with our Batch No. 8 Delta 8 Tinctures. Tinctures are also good for anyone who simply wants to enjoy much more mild effects. 

Our Batch No. 8 comes with 1600 mg of Delta 8 THC. (Note: do not, under any circumstances, take that much Delta 8 at once). 

The included 30 mL bottle doses 1 mL at a time through its dropper. 

We recommend taking 0.25 mL (or, a quarter of a dropper) at a time. You do this by holding it sublingually under the tongue. 

Each 1mL drop contains 53 mg, so being able to increase in increments of 13.25 mg is recommended. 

What tinctures allow for is safe experimentation and precision in determining your enjoyment of Delta 8. 

With a gummy, what you eat is what you get. 

So, if a gummy offers too much THC, then you are stuck with it. Meanwhile, with tinctures you are guaranteed to get the positive effects you desire, with pretty much zero risk of going overboard. 

Delta 8 Gummies

For more experienced Delta 8 users, our Batch No. 8 Delta 8 gummies are the way to go. 

These gummies will also appeal to users of like products. If you have tried Delta 9 drinks, for instance, you may like D8 gummies. Delta 8 is also milder than Delta 9, so keep that in mind. 

For one, taking a gummy is much less involved than using a tincture dropper, as all that is required is eating the gummy and waiting for the effects to set in. 

Batch No.8 comes with 8 gummies, each one 25 mg. 

Though you can split up gummies into halves, this is not as effective a dosage metric as tincture dosing.

So, there is certainly less control in getting a precise dosage. That is, unless you are fine with the 25 mg whole. Or, taking multiples of that by eating several gummies. 

We would also recommend getting our gummies if you just want, say, a few weekends’ worth of Delta 8 use, or are going to share them with friends over a weekend. 

Otherwise, you will be paying $30 more for the tincture. The tincture certainly comes with plenty of Delta 8 (1600 mg!). However, this much THC is for Delta 8 users looking for long-term use. 

Of course, you can still use our gummies over a long period of time. Just be sure to store them in a cool, dry place. 

More Delta 8, Delta 9, and CBD Products

Curious about our other products? Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Interested in learning more about the many products available in the world of cannabis? Do not hesitate to reach out to us today, and we can help you find the cannabis product that is right for you!

If you are looking to find out more about cannabis, then be sure to check out our blog, which updates you on everything in the world of cannabis! 

From THC+CBD Bourbon Balls to Delta 9 gummies, we sell a wide variety of high-quality products on and in-store at Bourbon Country Cannabis’ Nulu Location (819 E Market St Suite 101, Louisville, KY 40206). 

Stop by our store or check us out online, and you’ll be sure to find what you are looking for!

To learn more about cannabis-based products, check out our in-depth information page here.